
CTR – Itu – Central de Tratamento de Resíduos

Focus: Mitigation
Sector(s): Waste management, Water

Since the 1950s Itu has attracted an increasing number of factories. Now, the municipality is focusing on mitigating the impacts of industrialization. Proper disposal of solid waste is important not only for street cleaning but for the maintenance of clean water, reduction of emissions generated from waste and the conservation of ecosystem that would otherwise be used as dumps. The new center for waste treatment is part of a public-private partnership between the municipality and EPPO, which provides technologies including advanced equipment for waste management, garbage collection, landfill development and recycling programs.

Name of government: Municipality of the Tourist Resort of Itu
Country: Brazil
Population: 165.511 (2014)
Area: 640.719 km²
Head of Government Prefeito Antonio Luiz Carvalho Gomes
Current term
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