
The Paris-Le Bourget Site

In order to give the best possible welcome to the 40,000 people expected, France has chosen the Paris-Le Bourget site for its hosting capacity (18 hectares) and its accessibility. The Paris-Le Bourget site will be divided into three areas:

  • Conference centre This is where the success of COP21 will be decided. Open to accredited persons only and placed under the responsibility of the secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), this area will operate for up to 24 hours a day, depending on the pace of the negotiations.
  • Climate generations areas The size of the climate Generations areas and their proximity to the conference centre make them a first in the history of the COP. Open to both the general public and officially accredited persons, these areas will provide a huge space for debates, knowledge-sharing, discussions and conviviality.
  • Gallery This exhibition, which is reserved for professionals, aims to offer an overview of the solutions developed by companies to tackle climate change.
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