
Projeto/ obras de eficiência energética nas instalações de recalque dos sistemas de água da COPASA

Focus: Mitigation
Sector(s): Carbon reduction / Low-carbon transition, Waste management, Water

Minas Gerais is aiming to make its water delivery system more efficient, to reduce both the loss of water and the energy used to power the system. The city will focus in particular on the pumping component of the water system. By reducing the consumption of energy and water loss, the city will conserve a natural resource and cut the amount of electricity required. More generally, the project responds to the effects of climate change on the water system. As water becomes scarcer, greater efficiency and care are required.

Name of government: State of Minas Gerais
Country: Brazil
Population: 20.096.000 (2012)
Area: 587000 km²
Head of Government Governador Fernando Damata Pimentel
Current term  01.01.15 – 31.12.18
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